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Swing Set Components Documentation
Table of Contents


Menu System: Menu Bar, Menu, Menu Item (including check box and radio button menu items).

Tool bar.

Buttons - Pressed/Not Pressed
RadioButtons - Checked and Not-Checked
ToggleButtons - On and Off
CheckBoxes - Checked and Not-Checked

Panes - External, Internal, Desktop, Tabbed
Dialog Boxes - Message, Warning, Input, Confirmation, Component
ComboBox - Input Field, List
Progress Bars - In Progress, Done
Sliders - Slider, Slider Up, Slider Down
List - List and ListItem
Tree - Tree, Collapsed and Expanded

Text Fields - Input, Password
Text Panes - Editor Pane, Text Area, Text Pane
Text Elements - Caret Navigation, Speech Action
Odds and Ends - Desktop Icons, Separators, File Choosers, Colour Choosers, Spinners, String Spinners, etc.

Chart of sound files used for this Pluggable Look and Audio Feel Project - Sound with brief description/rationale and component assignment.

End of file
Last updated 10 Jun 99