Minutes: AudioPlaf Meeting

Date: June 25, 1999

Present: Anastasia Cheetham, Tamar Weiss, David Bolter, Joseph Scheuhammer.
Regrets: Karen McCall, Lake Porter, Jutta Treviranus.

Three of the attendees were at another meeting and couldn't make it to the present one. The remaining four decided to discuss Tamar's efforts at a draft of the rationale for the audio look and feel, and her literature review. Although these points will be presented in that draft, here is a quick summary of what Tamar presented:

User Interface Issues

The next step is that Tamar is going to write up this document and attempt to put it into html. Then, it will be added it the web site so that everyone can read it, and provide commentary. Perhaps a mailing/discussion list should be set up as well to facilitate this dialogue.

Agenda for Next Meeting

The agenda for the next meeting is pretty much the same as that for this meeting, since a large number missed the current one. Those who did attend decided not to go beyond Tamar's report. To remind you, here is the new agenda.

Jutta and Katharyn
Run the lap top "demo" and prepare commentary.
David and Joseph
Review the new "functional relationship" accessibility API for Swing, and report on it.
Karen and Lake
Explore MIDI.
Start creating container sounds.
Look more closely at QuickTime for Java.

Joseph Scheuhammer 99 Jun 30.